

加入喬棋!Join us GBCEA ,治標,治本,我們從改變自身做起。

If you do not know how to swim, changing the swimming pools is no use; if you do not understand how to love, changing your girlfriends or boyfriends can not bring you  better ; if you do not understand how to get along with your family, to change your husband or your wife is still difficult to become happy ; if you do not understand the management well , to change your employees and customers can not make your company better ; if you do not understand the accumulation well , to change your company, your boss , or your teachers can not transform your fate; if you do not understand how to keep your basic health well , no matter how good the supplements you eat , how excellent the hospital you enter , they are very difficult to give you a longevity . You yourselves are the root of all problems, if you want to change all of these, you must change yourselves first !

Conclusion: Join us GBCEA : To effect a permanent cure; to get at the root . We start from changing ourselves !

