

喬棋文化交流協會2018 10 7 號英文演講比賽公告

1,2018 9 16 朗讀比賽晉級前十名者:
陳荏暄 柯青宏 沈宥淇 張銘瑋 李慈芸
湯彩婧 王婉昕 林俊緯 朱盈璇 陳俞均


喬棋文化交流協會主辦的2018 10 7英文朗讀比賽複賽和演講比賽報名中

喬棋文化交流協會GBCEA: 2018 9 16 號喬棋文化交流協會主辦的英文朗讀演講比賽初賽部分參賽者等合照

喬棋文化交流協會GBCEA: 2018 9 16 號喬棋文化交流協會主辦的英文朗讀演講比賽初賽部分參賽者等合照: All things come to those who wait.蒼天不負有心人。 2018 9 16 喬棋文化交流協會主辦的喬棋盃英文朗讀演講比賽初賽順利完成。2018 10 7 等著大家。希望越來越多的人通過這次活動成長進步! ...

2018 10 7 喬棋盃英文朗讀演講比賽参賽文章1

The story of Franklin
Franklin's life is full of charming stories which all young men should know -- how he sold books in Boston, and became the guest of kings in Europe; how he was made Major General Franklin, only to quit because, as he said, he was no soldier, and yet helped to organize the army that stood before the trained troops of England and Germany.

This poor Boston boy, without a day's schooling , became master of six languages and never stopped studying; this neglected apprentice conquered the lightning, made his name famous, received degrees and diplomas from many colleges, and became forever remembered as "Doctor Franklin", philosopher, scientist and political leader. Self-made, self-taught, the candle maker's son gave light to all the world; the street bookseller set all men singing of liberty; the apprentice became the most sought after man across the world, and brought his native land to praise and honor him.

He built America, for what our nation is today is largely due to the management, the forethought, the wisdom, and the ability of Benjamin Franklin. He belongs to the world, but especially he belongs to America. The people around the world honored him while he was living; he is still regarded as the loftiest man by the common people today after his death. And he will live in people's hearts forever.

2018 10 7 喬棋盃英文朗讀演講寫作参賽文章2

Clever Blackie 聪明的小黑
Tom was very proud of his dog Blackie. Whenever he got the chance, he would ask his dog to please his friends with some tricks .

One day Tom went to visit his friend Jack  who was sick at home with a bad cold."How are you feeling ?" asked Tom."Worse than yesterday," answered Jack, "I have a terrible cough , and there is not a drop of medicine in the house. "Don't worry, Jack. I'll send Blackie to the drugstore for some medicine. He'll be back in a minute before you know it." Tom put a five dollar note in Blackie's mouth and the dog ran down the street. "And keep the change," Tom shouted after him.

"Oh, Tom, don't be silly . You know that dog won't be back with any medicine," said Jack. "oh, yes he will." answered Tom. Half an hour later , however,Blackie had not returned . Tom was feeling worried and felt angry at his friend's little smile.

"Something has happened to him, I'm sure," said Tom. "He obeyed me as a rule." Just then Jack saw Blackie at a distance . He hurried to open the door and let him in. Jack was shocked to see a bottle of medicine in the dog's mouth.

"Good boy," said Tom, "But what took you so long?" Blackie ran to the window, barking and wagging his tail. Tom looked out of the door and saw a bone outside.


2018 9 15 日 上午正音與台風指導

參加喬棋文化交流協會主辦的英文演講比賽的所有參賽者請於2018 9 15日上午9-12時在屏東市復興國小視聽室舉行正音與台風指導。謝謝。


喬棋文化交流協會 2018 9 16 英文朗讀演講比賽

交流協會2018 9 16英文朗讀與演講比賽

2018 9 16 初賽。2018 10 7 複賽。
0921226870  0929180238

2018 9 15 上午 9-12點免費正音與台風指導。地址:屏市復興路376號復興國小禮堂
比賽時間 :初賽 2018 9 16 10:00~12:00 am  複賽:2018 10 7 10:00~12:00am
比賽地點:屏市忠孝路231號屏中人文樓 4樓 
參考:Facebook Google喬棋文化交流協會


2018 9 16 朗讀演講比賽 文章 2

Never, Ever Give Up
We often hear people say, “Never give up.” These can be encouraging words and words of determination. A person who believes in them will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails. In my opinion, the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have. Therefore, I believe that we should never give up.
One reason is that if we give up too easily, we will rarely achieve anything. It is not  unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged but should try again. Besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and grow as people. Another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort. If we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted. Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives. If we never challenge ourselves, we will begin to doubt our abilities.
In short, it is important that we do not give up when working for our goals. Whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to become better and more confident people. Furthermore, if we give up, we have no  chance of attaining our goals, but if we keep trying, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day.
Written by one of the students in GBCEA
Corrected by Sophia English.

2018 916 朗讀演講比賽文章 1

Hi, everyone! My name is XXX. Today my topic is: “I Love English”.
English is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most important language on internet. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.
When I was eight , my father sent me to an English school. There, I played games and sang English songs with other children. Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my “colorful dream “in the English speaking  world.
Every day, I read English along with the audio tapes. Sometimes, I like watching English movies for children, such as Finding Nemo, Harry Potter and so on. These movies not only improved my English, but also allowed me to have a lot of fun. Outlook English also helps me a lot in my English studies, I have been watching this program for nearly two years.
I hope I can travel around the world some day. I want to go to America  because it’s one of the most developed countries in the world. I also want to go to England because English originated from England,and it’s also one of the most developed countries throughout the world.
I love English, English has already become part of my life. Do you like English, my friends? If you do, come with me. Let’s enjoy the fun of learning English together.
That’s all, thank you!
Written by one of the students in GBCEA.
Corrected by Sophia English.



喬棋文化交流協會2018 9 16 英文寫作演講比賽開始報名了

After many years I learning of second language, have you enjoyed learning it? I bet most of your guys will say no, because second language is like a curse bounding to you, since we went to school, we haven’t been able to get rid of it. Actually, if we learn to enjoy the beauty of language, we will find its power. The power of language expresses in its function. Language makes people from all around the world communicate. People in different countries speak different languages, it is hard for them to understand each other, while the power of language connects people together , English is the worldwide language, people have the idea to learn the same language to understand each other. In Chinese areas ,people learn English as the second language, so there is no problem for them to communicate with foreign people. Language provides the stage for people to understand each other, its power is so strong.
We warmly welcome everyone to participate in our English writing speech contest to promote your English level and exchange of learning experience.



內埔歐洲皇宮電梯大樓出租-3房,一廳,二衛浴,一廚房。電洽:0929180238。近美和科大及屏科大,位 電力公司附近。


內埔歐洲皇宮電梯大樓出租-3房,一廳,二衛浴,一廚房。電洽:0929180238。近美和科大及屏科大,位 電力公司附近。





通常在義大利餐廳用餐時,服務員會先上一份麵包。這時候你可以用桌上的橄欖油 olive oil 跟巴薩醋 balsamic vinegar 沾著吃。但這並不是前菜的一部份。前菜在英文中是 appetizer,但在義大利餐廳菜單上會被寫成 antipasti。 如果想不到要吃什麼,不妨先點一份拼盤 antipasato misto 吧!


在義大利餐廳通常會點兩道主菜,第一道主菜英文叫做 primary course,義大利文則是 primoprimo 包含所有澱粉類的主食,讓我們來看看以下一些例子。
risotto 義式燉飯
spaghetti 義式細麵
lasagna 義式千層麵
linguine 義式細扁麵
ravioli 義大利餃
gnocchi 義式麵疙瘩
*義大利菜非常注重麵條,所以義大利麵的總稱是 pasta。但其中有上百種不同種的麵條,以上則是其中較常看到的種類。
▼ravioli 義大利餃
▼gnocchi 義式麵疙瘩
tomato sauce 番茄紅醬
cream sauce 白醬
pesto sauce 青醬
meat sauce 肉醬
carbonara sauce 奶油培根蛋黃醬


不同於第一道主菜,第二道主菜 second course 則涵蓋一些肉類或海鮮類的主食。以下則是一些可能會在菜單中出現的 secondo
bistecca/ steak 牛排
pollo/ chicken 雞肉
manzo/ beef 牛肉
maiale/ pork 豬肉
pesce/ fish 魚肉
frutti di mare/ seafood 海鮮
*偶爾在菜單上會看到 contorni,意思是指可以跟主餐一起上的「附菜」,英文是 side dish。通常 contorni 中會包含一些蔬菜


tiramisu 提拉米蘇
panna cotta 義式奶酪
gelato 義式冰淇淋
cannoli 西西里起司卷
▼panna cotta 義式奶酪
▼cannoli 西西里起司卷


I’d like to make a reservation/ book a table, please. 我要訂位。
A table for ___, please? 有一個 ___ 人的座位嗎?
Are you ready to order? 可以幫你點餐了嗎?
What do you recommend? 你們有哪些推薦的菜色?
How would you like your steak? rare/ medium rare/ medium/ medium well/ well done?請問牛排要幾分熟? 一分熟/三分熟/五分熟/七分熟/全熟?
Could we have the bill please?/ Bill please! 我想要買單嗎。Do you take credit card? 你們收信用卡嗎?Can we split the bill? 我們可以分開結賬嗎?