內埔歐洲皇宮電梯大樓出租-3房,一廳,二衛浴,一廚房。電洽:0929180238。近美和科大及屏科大,位 電力公司附近。
G B Culture Exchange Association喬棋文化交流協會宗旨:本協會促進文化藝術經濟的交流與發展和推動外語藝文休閒終身學習Promote activities and exchange in multilingualism,culture,art and economy. Also promote Languages,Art ,Music and leisure events of lifelong learning. 提升自我,改變自我,豐富自我,完善自我,博愛慈悲追求:完美充實,豐富學識,內斂涵養,優雅高尚,助人為樂首要體現:流利的雙語,得體的談吐,睿智的溝通Purpose: self enhancement, alter ego, self enrichment, self improvement, love mercy http://www.gbcea.com Emai:gbcea88@gmail.com
risotto 義式燉飯
spaghetti 義式細麵
lasagna 義式千層麵
linguine 義式細扁麵
ravioli 義大利餃
gnocchi 義式麵疙瘩
tomato sauce 番茄紅醬
cream sauce 白醬
pesto sauce 青醬
meat sauce 肉醬
carbonara sauce 奶油培根蛋黃醬
bistecca/ steak 牛排
pollo/ chicken 雞肉
manzo/ beef 牛肉
maiale/ pork 豬肉
pesce/ fish 魚肉
frutti di mare/ seafood 海鮮
tiramisu 提拉米蘇
panna cotta 義式奶酪
gelato 義式冰淇淋
cannoli 西西里起司卷
I’d like to make a reservation/ book a table, please. 我要訂位。
A table for ___, please? 有一個 ___ 人的座位嗎?
Are you ready to order? 可以幫你點餐了嗎?
What do you recommend? 你們有哪些推薦的菜色?
How would you like your steak? rare/ medium rare/ medium/ medium well/ well done?請問牛排要幾分熟? 一分熟/三分熟/五分熟/七分熟/全熟?
Could we have the bill please?/ Bill please! 我想要買單嗎。Do you take credit card? 你們收信用卡嗎?Can we split the bill? 我們可以分開結賬嗎?